Saturday 24 March 2012



On 25th February, 2012 (Saturday) Institution of Engineers of Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS Student Section (IEM UTP SS) held a membership drive for January 2012 semester. The purpose of the membership drive are :
1.   To enable the  UTP students to get a clear understanding about what IEM is and the benefits of joining the organization.
2.   The event is also to attract students to join IEM UTP SS and increase the membership  in this organization. This is because IEM UTP SS was established on August 2011 at UTP. Therefore, we as pioneer of the organization want to promote IEM to the students so that there will be an increase in number students who wants to register with  IEM UTP-SS.

The event was held at Lecture Hall 3, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS. It started at
 2 pm in and ended at 5.30 p.m. There were several speakers from IEM KL and Sunway Cooperation. They came  to UTP to deliver their talks during the event. The speakers from IEM KL are
Engr. Vivekasugha Gunaalanand Engr. Navinderan. From  Sunway Cooperation, their speakers are Miss Chitra and Mr Terrance. We also invited representatives from each department in UTP such as Chemical Engineering (ICHEME), Mechanical Engineering (MECHE), Electrical & Electronics Engineering (E3SS), Civil Engineering (UCITY).They were given 5-10 minutes to present what their departments are all about and what activities they have  done either in or outside UTP.                                                                                      

The meeting started with presentation from IEM KL followed by Sunway Cooperation. After one hour of IEM KL and Sunway Cooperation’s presentation, we gave opportunity and space to each department to promote their club to IEM and Sunway’s people. At the end of the session, we opened booths outside of the Lecture Hall 3 for the students who are interested to join IEM-UTP SS. The event ended at around 5.30 p.m. A total of 35 students registered as new members of IEM-UTP SS. 

We wish to express our appreciation to the following individuals and organisations for their encouragement and support.
1.      IEM SS,  KL
2.      Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS.
3.      IEM Perak Branch
4.      Ir.Dr.N.Perumal


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